Sunday, 20 March 2011


Yesterday morning I could barely contain my excitment as I ripped open a very unprepossessing envelope 
to  reveal 2 tickets for the Country Living Spring Fair in London ....
cue beaming smile and happy mood!!!
A day spent in the big smoke soaking up the gloriousness that is Country Living style: admiring, wanting, idolising and dreaming. There will be ooohhhhhing and arghhhhing - Should I or shouldn't I? - That one or that one? - I won't tell if you won't?  In fact, it will probably be easier to identify what I don't like rather than what I do!!!! The only problem will be getting everything home and inbedded before Mr P finds out just how carried away I can get when let loose at such an event ... And my partner in crime will of course be my mother, egging me on and holding me back in equal measure I'm sure.
What a perfect start to what turned out to be a wonderously glorious day.  The sun shone so gardening was done, two lots of washing dried on the line and tea taken outside in the warmth, with rosey cheeks achieved.
Dreams of holidays, warmth, sun, sea and summer are suddenly not so hard to imagine.

Happy days to all xx

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Whiling away the hours!

This weekend has been a quiet one.  The sunshine has been very welcome and encouraged me to venture out into the garden where I have found some wonderful and reassuring bursts of cheerful colour. 
It puts a smile on the face and lifts the spirits to see the first signs of Spring ... 
new life popping up to say "how do"!!

And love is in the air ....

Yesterday I took myself off for a walk through the village and down to the sea. Not much was happening: a few people titivating their gardens, washing their cars and enjoying the unusual and short lived sunshine.  I think the warmth of the day and the suggestion of Spring put everyone in a good mood as there were many "hellos" and nods of greeting as I passed by.  The beach however, was near deserted, apart from the odd dog walker in the distance.  Very peaceful.

And now for some pumpkin soup.  It may not look like much, but boy is it delicious!!!
Hope you've all had a super-duper weekend too xx