How clever are we?!?!
Over the Easter weekend we became the proud owners (and more importantly, builders) of a gorgeous cornflower blue shed. It sits perfectly at the side of the house and amazingly tidies everything up. I refer to it as our "french quarter" now and even bought plants to coordinate with it!!
The deal is the shed is for Mr P but because it is so close to the house and can be seen from the french doors, I got to choose the colour. Tricky .... do you know how many lovely colours and shades there are?!?! I set out with Cornflower Blue in mind but when I was faced with a choice I began to dither. Willow? Sage? Bluebell? Country house Cream? Thankfully Mr P was on hand to speed things up and we came away with my first choice. Excellent decision ...... I LOVE IT.