Saturday, 30 April 2011

An Easter weekend "ta-dah" moment

How clever are we?!?!
Over the Easter weekend we became the proud owners (and more importantly, builders) of a gorgeous cornflower blue shed.  It sits perfectly at the side of the house and amazingly tidies everything up.  I refer to it as our "french quarter" now and even bought plants to coordinate with it!!
The deal is the shed is for Mr P but because it is so close to the house and can be seen from the french doors, I got to choose the colour.  Tricky .... do you know how many lovely colours and shades there are?!?!  I set out with Cornflower Blue in mind but when I was faced with a choice I began to dither.  Willow? Sage? Bluebell? Country house Cream?  Thankfully Mr P was on hand to speed things up and we came away with my first choice.  Excellent decision ...... I LOVE IT.

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

If you go down to the woods today, you're in for a big surprise

 "Are you sure that's where you want to go?!?!"

Truth, rumour, myth, local folklore ....

call it what you may;
but whatever it is, it has made a walk in Clapham Woods one to think twice about.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Spring Observations

The path of mossy ground nestled
In between maternal hedgerows,
That overgrew atop, dimming out
The brilliance of the day.
Embosomed, a calm-cool vision –
Abstract takes of nature, in
Leaf-spattered green shades;
Stem-speckled brown hues;
Shards of sunlight percolating
Through the random flaws to
Up glittering sprites upon the leaves.
Mark R Slaughter